CPAP Intolerance
CPAP Intolerance
If you have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), many of you have been prescribed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Device (CPAP). It works by flowing a continuous supply of air while you sleep. While it is considered the “Gold Standard” treatment for OSA, studies show as much as 25-45% of CPAP users cannot tolerate using this device or are “CPAP Intolerant”. Some reasons why patients can be CPAP Intolerant include:
– Poor fitting CPAP mask
– Uncomfortable straps and tubes
– Claustrophobia
– Allergy to latex
– Noise generated by the machine
– Dry nose and throat
– Restricted movement during sleep
If you find yourself in this group of CPAP Intolerant patients, please do not abandon your treatment for OSA. Consult with your prescribing sleep physician and a dental sleep specialist like Dr. Leopold to discuss your options for a dental sleep appliance. This appliance is called a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) and it works by positioning your lower jaw forward while you sleep, in order to bring your tongue and the soft tissue of the palate forward. This in turn helps open the airway in the back of your throat, allowing you to breathe more easily.